Monday 8 July 2013

Week 13: Review of Business Simulation Experience Form of Business, Type of Business, Naming Your Company, Market Research

Types of Market Research

oSurveys: Questionnaires or interviews asking people what they think of a product/service
oGeneral Research: Information from library, government agencies and other resources
oStatistical Research: Facts collected and presented in numbers and percentages. Collected by market research companies and government agencies

It is essential to research your market before you start your business, by understanding your
market we can avoid costly mistakes. The 4p's questions are useful as a guidelines to ask
Would you buy this product/service?
How much would you pay for it?
Where would you buy it?
How can I attract you to buy it?

What does the customers want
oAsk existing customers/prospects:
Products/services, features, accessories, installation, packaging
Price willing to pay, discounts, loyalty benefits
oAsk existing customers/prospects:
Shopping method (web, shop, mail, phone)
Media (TV, web, radio, sms, mail, magazine, newspapers, etc.)

Naming Your Business

It is the most important decision as a good name becomes an good brand which is an important
marketing tool,conveys expertise,value and purpose.

Factors to consider in naming

oDistinctive and memorable
oNot restrictive
oNot amateurish or trendy
oNo confusion with other name/trademark
oNo unacceptable terms

Distinctive and memorable

oGood first impression is important
oEasy to spell, remember and sounds good
oSeparates your business from competitors

Not Restrictive

oNot restricted by geography
Katong Laksa, Jln Kayu Prata
oNot restricted by field/industry
Ong Radio, Malayan Railways

Not Amateurish or Trendy
oAvoid Trendy or Amateurish names
Millennium Cleaning Services
ERP Import/Export
PCK Technologies
Nemo Corporate

Barney’s Security Services

No Confusion With Other Name/Trademark

oInvite law suits if you use:

No Unacceptable Terms

oAvoid words reserved for government
Temasek, Singapore, Government
oNo obscene words
oNo words that suggest your business as scandalous or a provider of immoral services


oThink global and check that your business name sounds ok in other languages
oGM Nova: “Nova” in Spanish means “don’t go”
oAlfa Romeo 164: “164” in Chinese means “one way to death”
oHassan: “Hassan” sounds like “bankrupt” in Japanese

Naming Techniques

oUsing Surnames – Ford, Yeo’s, Heinz
oUsing “A”s to appear at top of list –
oDescriptive Names – IBM: International Business Machine
oWords with no direct relationship – Apple Computers
*Description cannot see

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